
snake venom Learn more about snake venom

  • How much is the snake venom per gram? What is the efficacy and effect of snake venom? Can I drink snake venom directly?

    How much is the snake venom per gram? What is the efficacy and effect of snake venom? Can I drink snake venom directly?

    Snake venom is a weapon used by poisonous snakes to attack and protect. After the deadly snake venom enters the human body, it will erode the tissue of the human body, cause damage to the body function, and even kill the serious ones! Many people in the world die from poisonous snakes every year. And snake venom is not always harmful, Ke.

    2020-11-11 Snake venom price how much one gram efficacy and effect what is it?
  • Application of snake venom

    Application of snake venom

    What is the nature of ⒈ snake venom? Snake venom is a kind of toxic proteins and peptides secreted by poisonous snakes, which contains a variety of enzymes, and it is also a substance that causes toxic reactions after poisonous snakes bite people. Fresh snake venom is a slightly fishy egg white-like sticky liquid, yellow, light yellow, green, or even colorless. It is neutral or weakly acidic when fresh, and can become alkaline after a little longer, with a water content of 50%-75% and a specific gravity of 1.030-1.080. Fresh venom is easy to foam when it comes into contact with air. Store it at room temperature.

  • How to collect snake venom

    How to collect snake venom

    First, snake venom collection tools: small glasses, small porcelain plates, poison utensils and so on. The method of collecting poison: grab the snake neck with the right hand and insert the poison container into the mouth of the snake with the left hand. This is the venomous snake will bite the vessel, you can see its venom. This method is easy to operate. The disadvantage is that the dirt in the snake's mouth will mix with the venom and sometimes bring in impurities such as sediment. In order to remove the impurities in the venom, the surface of the vessel is usually covered with a thin film. Adult snakes raised in captivity are usually poisoned once a month or so. II. Processing of snake venom

  • Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

    Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

    Is the blue glandular coral snake poisonous?

  • The method of collecting snake venom

    The method of collecting snake venom

    There are two ways to collect snake venom: "dead mining" and "living mining". "Dead picking" is a special * destructive method to cut off venomous glands from the head of venomous snakes cut off by processing units or to anaesthetize rear trench venomous snakes and sea snakes that produce less poison, and it is only used occasionally in special circumstances. The "live mining" method is generally used in order to eat snake resources for free. The following is a brief introduction to several "live mining" methods. The method of collecting poison by ⑴ electrical stimulation uses weak electrical stimulation tools such as "acupuncture anaesthesia instrument" to stimulate the mouth of snakes with special electrodes.

  • Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Introduction to the list of the top ten venomous snakes in the world!

    Snake is a warm and cold-blooded animal, and it is also one of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. It is generally divided into non-poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes. Some poisonous snakes can secrete venom and poison people or animals who have been bitten. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes in the world. Here are the top ten venomous snakes in the world.

    2020-11-11 World Top Ten Viper list introduction Snake Yes temperature change Animals
  • Matters needing attention in the processing of snake venom

    Matters needing attention in the processing of snake venom

    1. Attention should be paid to safety when extracting and processing snake venom. in order to strictly prevent poisonous snakes from hurting people, it is necessary to release poisonous snakes quickly during and after venom collection. When the venomous snake is put back into the cage, the snake body should be released first and release quickly when the snake head approaches the edge of the entrance of the container. if the snake cannot release its hand in time, it is easy to be bitten by the snake. two。 Drug supplies must be strictly sterilized. 3. If the venomous snake clings to the vessel, it can gently swing the trunk of the snake; if it still does not let go, it can gently twist the neck, or use a stick or

  • Common poisoning in dogs-snake venom poisoning

    Common poisoning in dogs-snake venom poisoning

    [Etiology] Snake venom poisoning refers to a poisoning phenomenon that occurs after being bitten by a snake. There are many kinds of poisonous snakes. There are 47 kinds in China. Among them, the most harmful ones are Bungarus auratus, Bungarus multicinctus, Cobra, King Cobra, Agkistrodon acutus, Viper, Turtle shell snake, Bamboo green and sea snake. Most of these venomous snakes are distributed in provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River except sea snakes, which are mainly distributed in offshore areas, while only a few species such as viper, viper and turtle shell snake are distributed in the north of the Yangtze River. Occurrence of snake venom poisoning

  • What are the clinical applications of snake venom?

    What are the clinical applications of snake venom?

    The progress of research and clinical application of snake venom in China is very fast. A large number of clinical practice has proved that snake venom has the following clinical applications. Analgesic effect As early as the 1970s, cobra venom injection developed by Guangzhou Medical College was used in clinical practice, and it had a good effect on trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, malignant tumor pain, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, herpes zoster and other diseases with pain as the main symptom. Snake venom as an analgesic has the following advantages: significant and long-lasting effect, wide range of safety, continuous use of non-drug resistance

  • Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal snake venom poisoning

    Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of animal snake venom poisoning

    1. Diagnosis can be made according to the history of snakebite, combined with two venomous teeth marks at the tip of the wound, local edema, blood oozing, necrosis and systemic symptoms. If the wound has 2 or 4 lines of uniform and small serrated shallow tooth marks, there are no local and systemic symptoms, most of them are non-venomous snake bites. If necessary, the specific venom antigens in wound exudate, serum, cerebrospinal fluid and other body fluids can be determined by using suitable monovalent specific antivenom and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). This disease should be related to poison.

  • Which poison is the five-step snake or the cobra?

    Which poison is the five-step snake or the cobra?

    Which poison is the five-step snake or the cobra?

  • Venom processing precautions

    Venom processing precautions

    1. Attention should be paid to safety when extracting and processing snake venom. In order to prevent poisonous snakes from hurting people, the action of releasing poisonous snakes when extracting poison and after taking poison should be fast. Put the poisoned snake back into the cage, put the snake body first, and let go quickly when the snake head approaches the edge of the container entrance. If you can't release your hand in time when putting the snake, it is easy to be bitten by the snake back. 2. Poisoning supplies must be strictly disinfected. 3. If the snake bites the vessel, gently swing the snake's trunk; if it still does not let go, gently twist the neck, or use a small stick or finger to stimulate the snake's anus. Do not be hard

  • Which snake is stronger, the mountain breeze or the five-step snake? How toxic is it?

    Which snake is stronger, the mountain breeze or the five-step snake? How toxic is it?

    The mountain breeze is also called the king cobra, but unlike the real cobra, it does not belong to the cobra category, but belongs to the independent king cobra genus, which is more ferocious, agile and more toxic than other cobras. So cross the mountain breeze and the five-step snake

    2020-11-11 Pass mountain breeze and five steps snake which kind snake is more fierce toxic pass
  • What ingredients does snake venom contain?

    What ingredients does snake venom contain?

    Snake venom is characterized by complex components, and there are still some differences in toxic components among different snake species, subspecies, and even the venom secreted by the same kind of snake in different seasons. To separate and purify snake venom, it is known that there are neurotoxins, cardiotoxins, clotting toxins, hemorrhagic toxins and enzymes and other main components. In addition, it also contains some small molecular peptides, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleosides, biogenic amines and metal ions, some of which are bioactive or related to biological activity. After purification, the toxic components of snake venom are comparable to that of crude venom.

  • What is the nature of snake venom?

    What is the nature of snake venom?

    Snake venom is a kind of toxic proteins and peptides secreted by poisonous snakes, which contains a variety of enzymes, and it is also a substance that causes toxic reactions after poisonous snakes bite people. Fresh snake venom is a slightly fishy egg white-like sticky liquid, yellow, light yellow, green, or even colorless. It is neutral or weakly acidic when fresh, and can become alkaline after a little longer, with a water content of 50%-75% and a specific gravity of 1.030-1.080. Fresh venom is easy to foam when it comes into contact with air, and it is easy to deteriorate and lose when placed at room temperature for 24 hours.

  • Should the snake be beaten or not? Can you tell if snakes are poisonous?

    Should the snake be beaten or not? Can you tell if snakes are poisonous?

    Should the snake be beaten or not? Can you tell if snakes are poisonous?

  • Is the snake making money in 2016?

    Is the snake making money in 2016?

    Is the snake making money in 2016?

  • What should be noticed in the storage of dried snake venom?

    What should be noticed in the storage of dried snake venom?

    Dried snake venom has strong water absorption and is not heat-resistant. under the influence of high temperature, humidity or sunlight, dried snake venom should deteriorate and lose enzyme activity. Therefore, the following points must be done in order to preserve it for a long time. After weighing ⑴ dried snake venom, it should be put into brown or brown bottle as soon as possible, the bottle mouth should be corked tightly, and then sealed with wax or vacuum oil. For the dry poison of large bottles, in order to minimize unnecessary opening, some can be taken out and encapsulated in sample bottles before sealing, so that they can be checked at any time or meet sporadic small customers.

  • The activity law of snakes

    The activity law of snakes

    What is the activity rule of ⒈ non-venomous snake? The activity of snakes has certain rules, and the distribution of snake species is different, and the activity rules of snakes are obviously different. In Shandong Province, for example, the activity of non-venomous snakes is roughly as follows: every year around the middle of April (solar calendar), when the outside temperature slowly rises to 15: 18 ℃, all kinds of snakes wake up from hibernation and crawl from their hibernating nests to the mouth of the cave or to the sunny place to bask in the sun. After May, when the temperature basically stabilized, snakes moved out of their nests, drank water, and mated. But for those who feed

  • Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Symptoms and pathological changes of animal snake venom poisoning

    Snake venom poisoning is caused by acute toxic diseases characterized by hemolysis, sensory nerve peripheral paralysis and shock when the venom is bitten by poisonous snakes. It can occur in all kinds of animals and is common in grazing animals and dogs. 1. Most of the animals with clinical symptoms were bitten by poisonous snakes in the lips, nose, face and lower limbs. Horses, cattle and sheep are bitten by snakes in the vicinity of the tarsal joint or ball joint, while pigs and dogs are mostly in the extremities and nasal ends. The closer the bite site is to the rich central nervous system and blood vessels, the more likely the bite site is.
